Volume I, Emerging Therapies: Feedback, Comments, Responses, and Dialogue

We invite folks to share their thoughts in response to the Journal of Holistic Psychology's first offering: Volume I, Emerging Therapies.  Our intention in opening this platform for dialogue is to help support the further development of the budding field of Holistic Psychology, and in turn the Journal itself.  We welcome comments of all types, those personal and those academic, those about a specific article or those directed toward the Journal as a whole.


Please note that should any comment have an overly disrespectful or offensive tone, it will be removed from this dialogue - 'holistic' is in effect an effort to 'make whole', and such a tone or intention could only foster its opposite, could only hinder an all-inclusive dialogue.  Thank you for your understanding and care.


*Select comments may appear in future volumes of the print Journal.


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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Angela Kennedy (Monday, 26 November 2012 18:40)

    Although I am a student, I have so much to say. My BA work was done at JFKU, which supportes everything I had always theroized. You see, there is an incredible amount of people who are so sick with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, & trouble with chemicals. I am one of millions who are starving for help holistically. The medical community has not only let us down but has treated us terrible. I would love to talk with you further . My number is 209-221-3942